Series Wrap Up: Elevating Friction to the C-Suite

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In this wrap-up of our 4-part episode series, "Elevating to the C-Suite,” we distill the key insights from our conversations with digital leaders who have mastered the art of removing digital friction. 

In this special episode, co-hosts Chuck Moxley and Nick Paladino chat with Frictionless Experience producer Dom Costa about the most essential takeaways. 

Listeners will learn:

1. Quantifying impact is crucial: Successful digital leaders tie friction removal to revenue gains or cost savings to justify investment.

2. Unifying teams is essential: Aligning cross-functional teams, especially design, engineering, and product, drives impactful changes in user experience.

3. The voice of the customer is paramount: Understanding and addressing customer pain points is key to creating truly frictionless experiences.

4. Context matters more than metrics alone: Looking beyond surface-level data to understand user behavior and intent is critical for meaningful improvements.

5. Brand-specific experiences trump competitor comparisons: Focus on creating experiences tailored to your unique customer base rather than simply mimicking competitors.

Featured guests from the series include:

- Scott Smith, former Product Director of Organic Growth and Discovery at FanDuel

- Shawn Sheely, former VP, Head of Experience in Technology at U.S. Bank

- Catherine Gignac, Director of Digital Experience Design at American Eagle

- Vijay Jayaraman, Senior Director of Product Management at Walmart 

Connect with us on LinkedIn: 

Chuck Moxley:

Nick Paladino:

Dom Costa:

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